Thursday, March 1, 2012

The last couple O days of Trimester Two

I'm sitting here, enjoying my snickers ice cream bar. Baby is too, I am assuming, since it is dancing up a storm. Husband is working night shift today and I have been sitting on the computer for the last hour looking at photographs getting lost in nostalgia. I should be studying, but instead I'm choosing to soak up all these photographs of my previous pregnancy and my time with Diego as an infant. I am remembering what it will be like and it does nothing but make me smile. I have 2 days left until I am in my third trimester and from there I have, TWELVE WEEKS!!! until my little poppy seed is snuggling up on my chest. Oh how sweet that will be. 

I find myself daydreaming about that day in the labor room when my husband is the one to let me know, "It's a _____!" And while I am not eager to find out the sex, I still can't believe that I don't have a hunch. I thought that by now I would have a feeling as to what the baby's sex is, but I have no idea. And really, that makes it more exciting.

I assembled the cradle a couple of weeks ago and have a bright green cradle bedding set coming in the mail. I think the nesting has started. I feel like I need to have the basics ready. Just in case. Tomorrow I'll buy some Dreft and wash all the onesies I already purchased. 
Nesting is funny. 

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