Sunday, November 6, 2011

Baby 10 weeks 5 Days the size of a Lime

This past week, I was asked to go in to see the doctor. I had started to spot. Naturally they wanted to make sure baby was okay. I spotted in my previous pregnancy, but it didn't make me any less nervous. I waited anxiously for the doctor to see me. The first thing he did was roll in the ultrasound equipment. As soon as the screen went on, I saw baby waving its hand everywhere, like it was saying Hello, Hello. And then I saw the flickering heart. A tear of relief rolled down my cheek. After showing me different views of my little babe, the doctor zoomed out to see what the cause of my spotting could be. Right under my placenta was a dark spot. The doctor explained that what is happening is that the placenta is right on top of the cervix-- Placenta Previa. I was told no more sex until the placenta separates from the cervix, and no more physical activity--even mellow yoga. No more carrying Diego too much, and just straight up, TAKING IT EASY. I have to be conscious of how much I am spotting, if it gets heavier, it can be the worse. And well, this has me scared. While I feel that the placenta will grow further away from the cervix as my belly makes more room, I still can't help but to worry. So I am taking it very easy, because we are going to do everything possible to make sure babe enters this world in the healthiest state.

And well, on top of all this, we just signed a contract for our first home purchase. So there, take that for a load.

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