Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ginger Ale and a Box of Kleenix

Wow, did I cry so, so much these past few days!It was a little amusing how easily I would start crying, my husband couldn't help but to smile. 500 days of Summer had me balling and vocally questioning Nick through out the whole movie-- although we all know Nick is the best partner there is. It was a whole bunch of "How come you don't look at me like that anymore?" Ha! And although I know I am being silly, I just have to ride out all these crazy emotions I am having because that is part of being pregnant. And in a way, it's sort of endearing (when you look back at least). Even my prenatal yoga and meditation hour yesterday had me crying and feeling so many things.  So not only am I extremely emotional, but morning sickness has been hanging out and now there is a prickly ball in my throat-- please don't get sick, please don't get for real sick. Diego is feeling a little sick too so this morning we just cuddled on the couch and played Super Mario. But now, it is nap time and as much as I want to snuggle it up and sleep with my boo, I got a midterm to study for. Yay.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Already nesting...

Today is the 7 week mark. Poppy is the size of a blueberry. Maybe I'll have to start called baby Berry. It's insane how fast you are growing. I know that before I know it, I will have you sleeping on my chest melting my heart away.

This past week I started taking out Diego's old baby clothes and sorting what I want to keep around for Poppy. I kept mostly gender neutral clothes since I am hoping that this time we have the strength to not find out the sex. With Diego, we didn't find out at our 20 week ultrasound. However husband video taped the ultrasound and we watched it over and over and over until that tiny thing that looked like a penis started to drive us so mad that we just had to find out the sex! This time, we will not look when the ultrasound tech goes south.  Going through my babe's old baby clothes and sorting through his tiny little shoes that still look brand new since he never even moved around when he wore them, well it made me emotional and so damn excited. I'm going to have a little bunny snuggling me all day. How beautiful is that. And what is making me even more excited to take on a whole new life is how awesome my little helper is being! I don't want to jinx it, but I feel that his temper tantrums have passed for now and one can only hope they stay away for a long. long time. He has been the sweetest cuddle bug. He even lifts up my shirt to point at my ombligo and then pinches my belly and then kisses it over and over again. 

Diego's mind has been growing so much. It's exciting to see a child grow and learn and change. Now I say "diaper" when he needs a diaper change and he runs to his changing table, climbs it and lays down until I change his diaper. He pees in the potty before his bath. He goes to the fridge or his high chair to let me know he's hungry (instead of just acting cranky and making me guess). He's talking more and understanding more and he really has been my little helper. You should see him doing the laundry.... really. It's a reminder that Diego will always be my little partner and he will be my helper and lastly, that he will be an amazing brother.