Monday, January 9, 2012

Much, much Later// 20 weeks

I just played a few songs from Into the Blue- by the Album Leaf and did some stretches and yoga poses, squats along with a breathing meditation, and now I am sitting here, music still playing reflecting on where I am now. So much time has passed since I wrote last, and too many things have happened. The major thing is that baby is OK. I am, needless to say, no longer on bed rest and as of last week my pregnancy is now normal. The blood clot is finally gone! 

I was on bed rest for 2.5 weeks and then after that it was pelvic rest until last week's ultrasound-- where it became clear the clot was gone and I was allowed to have a normal routine, sex and all, Mellow yoga, some dancing, and lots of walks. I feel so happy. 

So here I am sitting in our new room- Nicholas is working graveyard tonight. Our new room... We moved into our very own home. Two plus weeks ago we got the keys to our new house and let me say-- it has been magical. Our bedroom gets warm sunlight in the morning-- we can even see the sun rise over the mountains. Our living room gets warm sunlight in the evening and has a pellet stove- perfect for these winter nights. Our yard has a big deck and a lot of grass for Diego to trample on. And the third bedroom is sitting bare waiting for it's new inhabitant.

So here I am, glowing, happy to have Diego and Nicholas and so excited for this baby that has been kicking me so much. My babe, now the size of the banana, has been moving so much. I felt babe move for the first time at 16 weeks, and now the movements are only getting stronger. I had missed this feeling-- having something grow inside of you. 
